
The Intermittent Fasting How To Guide

The Intermittent Fasting How To Guide

This ancient eating technique is surprisingly simple, sustainable and is helping people lose weight and live healthier. Let’s get started on your own intermittent fasting journey!


What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating that switches between periods of eating and not-eating (fasting). You’re probably already doing it! Sleeping is a form of fasting and is even how breakfast earned its name (break-fast… get it?).

Intermittent fasting is about when you eat, not what you eat. Don’t think about it like a conventional diet, it’s more like an eating pattern.


Is intermittent fasting natural & safe?

Intermittent fasting makes sense when consider how our hunter-gatherer ancestors lived. Often, our ancestors would have to go for extended periods of time without food. As a result, our bodies evolved to survive for long stretches without regular meals and we adapted to the fasting lifestyle. Today, food is everywhere and our eating styles just aren’t in sync with our evolution. As a result, we’re missing out on the benefits of intermittent eating to improve health, protect against disease and manage weight.



Why Intermittent Fasting? 

Several scientific studies have confirmed what we’ve long known – intermittent fasting really can support weight management and a healthy body.


Weight Loss Benefits

Healthy Living Benefits 

Intermittent fasting is one of the most efficient ways to lose weight - without relying on crazy diets, cutting out major food groups or missing out on food treats.

Help prevent chronic ailments like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Usually, your calorie intake stays the same across fasting and normal days (it’s just eating times that change), meaning there’s no need for intimidating diet changes.

Improve cellular repair (which affects everything from better skin to brain health).

Simply put, intermittent fasting is effective as a weight loss routine because it’s simple and generally easier than normal dieting.

Lower insulin resistance, blood pressure and even asthma symptoms.


From 'Fed' to 'Fasting' 

Your body has 2 states when it comes to eating and digestion – the ‘fed’ and ‘fasting’ state. Intermittent fasting is all about unlocking the power of the body in the fasting state. In this stage, the body burns stored fat for energy.


How to handle hunger and stick to intermittent fasting

If you’re anything like us, the idea of going 12 or more hours without a meal just seems impossible. People new to intermittent fasting often worry about managing hunger and keeping energy levels up. Here’s a few beginner tips and tricks to help get over the hunger hurdle.



A balanced, quality diet

Be sure to stick to a healthy mix of whole foods, full of protein, fats and carbs. Be careful with the carbs though - most easily accessible carbs are refined, meaning they lack bran, fibre and other nutrients (think white bread, pizza dough & pasta). These burn fast and will leave you hungrier, sooner

Naturally control appetite

Natural supplements like calocurb can help you stick to intermittent fasting. This 100% plant-based supplement uses hops flower to help you manage hunger, control cravings and stay focused when you need it most. You can get calocurb  right here

Baby steps

Slowly increase your fast by delaying your fast-breaking meal just an hour or two at the start. Your body will slowly adapt to the new routine.

Stay active & hydrate

This one goes for all diets really, but staying active will help avoid eating out of boredom and accelerate your fasting state.

Similarly, hunger signals can actually be dehydration in disguise. Stick to the recommended one gallon of water per day.

Intermittent Fasting Program Guides for Beginners

There are plenty of intermittent fasting routines out there – some with scary names like the warrior diet. Let’s start slow. Here are the best routines for intermittent fasting beginners. 


The 8:6 Plan

Best for: First time fasters
The simplest routine to remember because you only eat between 8am and 6pm. This method lets you eat all three meals and maximize your natural overnight fast across 14 hours of fasting in a 24-hour period.

The 16/8 Method

Best for: Flexibility and results
Fast for 16 hours a day, limiting your daily eating to an 8-hour period only. The benefit is that you get to decide which 8 hours you eat within (say 10am - 6pm or 1pm - 8pm) based on your workout schedule and lifestyle.

The 5:2 Diet

Best for: A smoother entry into fasting
On 5:2, you eat 500-600 calories across two, non-consecutive days of the week and eat normally during the other five days. It might not be a true fast like the other methods, but it’s a good way to build up to full intermittent fasting works and help your body adjust.

Eat Stop Eat

Best for: People who like to get things over and done with
It’s simple really, just choose one day a week to fast for 24 hours. You will still see the benefits of intermittent fasting without the daily routine and it can be easier than consistently keeping track of time or calories. A 24-hour fast might be a lot to start with though, so consider working up to Eat Stop Eat after a gentler introduction to intermittent fasting.


The Intermittent Fasting Beginner's Checklist

  • Check with your doctor if intermittent fasting is right for you. People who are underweight, pregnant, breastfeeding or under 18 years of age should avoid it and those with diabetes or on prescription medication may need extra supervision.
  • Prepare to manage your hunger. Healthy, whole foods for your last eating meal, a schedule of activities to keep you on-the-move and a natural supplement like calocurb to stay in control through your fast. Get it here.
  • Find support through friends or our happy healthy living support group on Facebook. There are plenty of places to find more fasting information and tips to. Some of our favorites are Dr Eric Berg for  the science behind intermittent fasting, #intermittentfastingresults on instagram for inspiration and Food Can Wait for personal fasting stories and tips.
  • Maintain the healthy things in your life. Exercise, keep up with your extra-curricular activities and hydrate with water, tea or coffee. Most importantly, be sure to get a quality night’s sleep!